1·The light energy transfer efficiency can be calculated by a method named as effective numerical aperture.
2·Fibers offer exceptional transmission in tight bends, with a high core-to-clad ratio and numerical aperture of 0.37.
3·After analyzed, the exciting laser intensity, the coverage rate and the numerical aperture of objectives are selected for experimental research.
4·The system can also be applied to measurement of numerical aperture of polymer optic fiber and characterization of the refractory index distribution.
5·By this way we can design high diffraction efficiency, as well as lager numerical aperture diffractive lens under current machine fabrication condition.
6·We study the high numerical aperture focusing properties and typical applications of axially-symmetric polarized beams (ASPBs) with high polarization orders.
7·The reflection effect of the spherical surface of a hemisphere solid immersion lens (SIL) has been investigated using the vectorial diffraction theory for high numerical aperture systems.
8·In high numerical aperture and low technic factor lithography process, degradation of the image quality because of the coma aberration in the projection lens has become a serious problem.
9·The quantity in relation to the coupling efficiency of an optical fiber:lasing mode, divergence angle, numerical aperture, focal diameter and precision optical fiber coupler are discussed.
10·We considered intensity distribution of light focused by a high numerical aperture lens without spherical aberration through a planar interface between materials of mismatch refractive index.
采用光的矢量衍射理论 ,研究了场振幅为高斯分布的平面波入射到无球差高数值孔径物镜上 ,折射率失配对共焦显微术的影响 ,并进行数值模拟。